The patient journey to your practice
in 2021
Where to find new patients and
how to bring them to your practice with PHARMED targeted growth solutions
Learn how to improve your patient acquisition process
by solving patient's problems
one step at a time.
Once upon a time...

...when patients felt unwell...

...they used to come to your doorstep via:

in 2021,
this is not the case anymore

Early in their journey, patients experience symptoms and are looking online for contextualization, reassurance, and diagnosis.
Patient problem: Find the right information about their symptoms.
Your Solution: Disease awareness and through it, your own brand awareness.
At this stage, patients may not be acquainted with your name or brand. Help them become familiar by offering tangible value: appropriate, balanced, scientific information relevant to their symptoms.
We can do this together by:
Content generation
Disease awareness presentations
Medical Brochure Design
Social Media
Marketing (Facebook Ads)
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine
Search Engine
Search Engine
Marketing (Google Ads)

At a later stage of their journey, patients are seeking for treatment options. 90% of patients rely on search engines to find more about a doctor even if they have been referred to them. Depending on your level of care (primary, secondary, tertiary) they may have gotten a referral to visit your practice or the practice of a competitor.
Patient problem: Evaluate their options and chose the right treating doctor.
Your Solution: Give a strong online pitch. Showcase your expertise, brand, and services. Demonstrate your values, reviews, and ratings.
At this stage, patients may know your brand by word of mouth, provider referral or from the previous stage. They will Google your name or your practice name. They will read your reviews and they will see your online listings. They will compare you with other doctors and practices.
We will steer them towards your practice by:
Physician Liaison Services
Google My Business
Listings Basic & Pro
Reputation Management

65% of patients want to make an appointment digitally (i.e., online or mobile app)
Provider Consideration
Following a successful transition from the first two steps, the patient journey leads to your website. 37% of patients consider an outdated website to be a roadblock to their physician choice. 60% of patients will prefer online booking and 40% will attempt to do this out of hours when your office manager is not available to answer the phone. More that 50% of patients will see your website from a mobile device and expect a mobile optimized website.
Patient problem: Feel reassured that they chose the right doctor and book appointment.
Your Solution: Clear, modern, functional website and online booking options.
At this stage, patients are just one step before booking an appointment. By visiting your website, they visit the projection of your physical premises in the digital space. The experience must be reassuring and convincing.
We can capture them by:
ADA Compliance
Online Scheduling
HIPAA Compliance
Signature Website

Following a successful appointment comes patient retention. Your existing patients are constantly targeted by digital information and even ads by your competitors. Separately from offering a distinct, memorable experience during their appointment, keeping in touch with them after is important.
Patient problem: Feel reassured that you will be there during their long journey as patients.
Your Solution: Keep in touch.
You will retain existing patients by:
Patient Outreach
Social Media Management
General Considerations: Monitor Performance
Important considerations when choosing any practice growth solutions: regardless of the services you decide to apply for practice growth, having continuous reporting, guidance and support is of paramount importance. PHARMED offers you all the tools and guides you will need to own your practice growth process and evaluate your performance:
All PHARMED packages come with
Free subscription to the PHARMED portal of Healthcare Excellence, the most advanced reporting system that you can access 24/7 and review your performance.
Free guides on all aspects of medical marketing.
Continuous support: requests for website updates are fulfilled within 24hr.